The distance by car is 591 km. The distance between Bordeaux and Paris is 499 km. The driving time is approx. . If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Bordeaux, France to Paris, France so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination. The total distance represents the road distance in km or miles between Bordeaux and Paris. The total driving distance from Bordeaux, France to Paris, France is 367 miles or 591 kilometers. Average speed Find the distance from Bordeaux to Paris, the estimated travel time with the impact of road traffic in real time, as well as the cost of your journey (toll charges and fuel costs). The best way to get from Bordeaux to Paris without a car is to train which takes 3h 11m and costs 65⬠- 130â¬. Your trip begins in Bordeaux, France. Distance from Bordeaux to Paris (BordeauxâMérignac Airport â Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport) is 328 miles / 527 kilometers / 285 nautical miles. Road distance Bordeaux Paris. Distance: 310.29 mi (499.36 km) The shortest distance (air line) between Paris and Bordeaux is 310.29 mi (499.36 km). Fast trains from Paris to Bordeaux take around 2 hours and 3 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 500 kilometres.There are frequent services on the rail route between Paris and Bordeaux. Get driving directions How do I travel from Bordeaux to Paris without a car? It takes an average of 2h 08m to travel from Bordeaux to Paris by train, over a distance of around 310 miles (499 km). Half of the trip ⦠Follow the Bordeaux to Paris driving route along L'Aquitaine. Standard class has access to a buffet car and dedicated family areas. Driving directions from Bordeaux to Paris : Bordeaux, France: Boulevard des Frères Moga: SE 1 mile 1 minute, 53 seconds: Floirac, France: A631: S 1 ⦠Driving route: -- (- ) The shortest route between Paris and Bordeaux is according to the route planner. The road distance is 579.8 km. See also a map, estimated flight duration, carbon dioxide emissions and the time difference between Bordeaux and Paris. Journey time: From 2h 04m: Price: â¬16 - â¬283.50: There are normally 16 trains per day travelling from Bordeaux to Paris and tickets for this journey start from â¬16 when you book in advance. The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line (or driving the same roads back and forth). Road trip from Bordeaux to Paris driving distance = 363 miles. The straight distance between Bordeaux and Paris is km. According to the route planner, the road driving distance for cars or buses is km (train routes are often totally different) and you can cover it in .However, road difficulties, such as car accidents, roadworks or traffic, may lengthen the journey. Bordeaux to Paris distance driving distance = 363 miles. Get driving directions from Bordeaux to Paris. The good news is that all TGV trains from Paris to Bordeaux provide a comfortable journey, with plenty of legroom, headrests, Wi-Fi (on certain services) and power sockets at every seat. But for a real trip, there can be plenty of differences so go ahead and check the reverse directions to get the distance from Paris to Bordeaux, or go to the main page to calculate the distance ⦠Follow the Bordeaux to Paris driving route along L'Aquitaine. flight distance = 310 miles. It ends in Paris, France. Find the distance from Paris to Bordeaux, the estimated travel time with the impact of road traffic in real time, as well as the cost of your journey (toll charges and fuel costs). Initially this is displayed in km but you can always change it using the settings (by selecting the distance in miles or the distance in km): . Travelling from Paris to Bordeaux by train. The straight line distance between Bordeaux and Paris is 500 kilometers. Tips for choosing 1st or 2nd class.